Together with our global partner – Provectus, our approach addresses Food Security and help create Food Supply Chain while also addressing Landfill Stress, curbing Greenhouse Gas Impact, and creating Full Circular Economy.
We are fully committed to Zero Food Waste and curbing CO2 Emissions in order to become Carbon Neutral.
Together, we can make a difference!
Provectus' Zed Machine 100kg Capacity Food Waste Dehydration System
Food Waste Recycling System & Creating Food Supply Chain
Food Security and Food Supply Chain is a major concerns to many countries. Throughout history, mankind struggled to preserve food and creating food security. Quests for Water, Healthy and Sustainable Food Supply chain, curbing Greenhouse gases (GHG) impact, and help creating circular economy is ongoing issues many countries and like of FAO in the United Nations are facing.
Food what is used can be reused that can help build and or provide food supply chain.
COVID-19 Pandemic has taught the lesson for the importance of our healthy immune system.
User friendly and environmentally efficient, the Zed Machine is designed with safety and operational functionality in mind. Unlike other machines in the marketplace, the Zed Machine unit does not require additives such as microbes, enzymes, or freshwater. And while operating at safe temperatures, it eliminates pathogens and potential biohazards without the emissions normally associated with this process. Capable of 2 cycles every 24 hours, the Zed Machine series is available in 6 different sizes, suitable for any application.
Features include Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs); an intuitive power saving mode which saves electricity during and after each cycle. Additional safety features include anti-jamming sensors; single-button Start, Stop, and Discharge functionality; overload sensors; integrated factory-fitted bin filters; fully automated, eliminating the need for physically lifting heavy bins.
Some case study and application using Barley, Grape Skins, Grape Seed Extract
Spent Barley
Barley that is used to brew beer is normally send to landfill only to emit Methane gas or going to pig farms that is time consuming and creating further carbon footprint due trucking besides an expensive drill. Now, after our dehydration process of “Spent barley” 100% Pathogens free water was created to address water stress and water footprint issues. And sterile biomass is ideal use for reusing fiber for making “Boutique” bread. Turning waste to resources that is needed by many to food security and creating food supply chain. The beauty of dehydration process approach is we can create 100% pathogens free water ideal for cultivation, help create circular economy, community engagement plus helping with women empowerment initiative while curbing GHG impact.
Photo by Tetyana Kovyrina from Pexels
Grape Skins
You know those people who gleefully tout the health benefits of red wine? They’re onto something. Red wine is an excellent a source of antioxidants. Or more precisely, the grapes and their skin are a rich source of antioxidants.
Various studies have shown that grape skin provides excellent protection against oxidative stress by decreasing oxidants and increasing antioxidant levels in plasma.
This understanding of grape skin’s effects is being used to study its benefits relating to LDL cholesterol, skin health, diabetes, breast cancer, prostate cancer, respiratory health, and chronic venous insufficiency.
Supplementation with grape skin has been shown to improve skin elasticity and sebum production, may have the potential to prevent diabetic complications, may inhibit prostate cancer cell growth, and may prevent inflammation in the lungs and oxidative damage after exposure to cigarette smoke.
Photo by Luiz M. Santos from Pexels – Vila Brasileira, Brazil
Grape seed extract
May help with a type of poor circulation (chronic venous insufficiency) and high cholesterol. Grape seed extract also reduces swelling caused by injury and helps with eye disease related to diabetes. Many people are interested in grape seed extract because it contains antioxidants.
If you’re gluten free, then you’re probably familiar with the many gluten-free flours available today. But have you heard about grape skin flour? Personally, I didn’t know it existed until a few years ago. Although you can’t quite bake with it on its own, I’m quite impressed with how grape skin flour can add lovely texture, color, aroma and flavor to recipes.
Mildly sweet in taste and fruity in scent, delicious and nutritious White Bean & Grape Skin loaf is made with the goodness of grape skin flour. Grape skin flour is exactly that—flour made from the skin of grapes! A wholesome gluten-free ingredient, grape skin flour is chock full of health benefits.
Bakery’s loaf unique—this type of boutique bread can be spotted with this ingredient in other gluten-free breads on the market to date.
What makes grape skin flour so great?
The main appeal is that it’s loaded with a powerful antioxidant (classified as a polyphenol) called resveratrol. Antioxidants are compounds that inhibit or stop oxidation from taking place in your body. Oxidation is a chemical reaction that can produce free radicals (unstable atoms that can damage cells, causing illness and aging), which can in turn lead to reactions that may damage your cells. Antioxidants essentially put an end to these damaging reactions. Like any other antioxidant, resveratrol has been shown to help fight and prevent disease. Resveratrol has garnered a lot of attention in the media over the last several years and has even been manufactured as a supplement.
What does resveratrol have to offer?
Studies have suggested resveratrol may support cardiovascular health, help delay aging and the development of several diseases, as well as help reduce inflammation in individuals with Alzheimer’s.
There’s more that this antioxidant can offer.
Grape skin flour is also a source of dietary fiber and iron, as well as bone building minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium. An added bonus, grape skin flour can even help lengthen a product’s shelf life.
Other food streams
It is proven food waste is a single major contributor to Methane gas emission that is causing Climate Change.
Our dehydration system can dehydrate any food items where we can extract moisture from food items. Food items that are pre-cook items e.g. chicken skins, egg shells, fish or meat or fruit and vegetable or post cooked items and food scraps. The process is to extract moisture that is 100% Pathogens Free water and 100% sterile biomass is ideal as soil amendments for better healthy cultivation, feeds for fish, animals, poultry, and cricket farming to name a few.
Moisture extracted and biomass is based upon each feed e.g. when the feed is only avocado. Moisture extracted is avocado based 100% pathogens free liquid and sterile biomass will have the nutrients and usages will be accordingly. The ratio is 80:20 per load.
Water is in scarcity in many countries and so the healthy top soil. Our approach is to convert food waste to 100% pathogens free water and sterile biomass is ideal as soil amendment, feed for fish and poultry that in return helps food security and food chain.
Food waste is a major issue as many landfills are running out of space as most landfills were designed 25 plus years ago. With over capacity and Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emission as an issue for climate change.
The need for solutions from WASTE-TO-RESOURCES that helps create circular economy and engage all grassroots stakeholders to create.