We are proud to support the #TerraCarta from HRH The Prince of Wales’ Sustainable Markets Initiative. The Terra Carta provides a roadmap to 2030 for businesses to move towards an ambitious and sustainable future; one that will harness the power of Nature combined with the transformative power, innovation and resources of the private sector.


Cooperation between Ghana and FAO began in 1957 when the country gained independence and joined the FAO. Relations were strengthened further with the establishment of the FAO Regional Office for Africa in Accra in 1959, and the Organization has partnered in a broad range of areas since then. More recently, FAO’s assistance has focused on sustainable improvements in agricultural production; sustainable management of the environment and natural resources; and building resilient communities for reducing rural poverty.

Click here to download the publication

Source:  FAO

Get in touch

    Country Representative

    Felix K Bryant

    Accra, Ghana

    Country Representative

    John Tachie-Menson

    Accra, Ghana

    Country Representative

    Daniel Debrah

    Kumasi, Ghana