What is envirolizer® micronized activated calcite?

envirolizer® micronized activated calcite is natural mineral plant growth enhancer and adaptogen.  It contains finely micronized and augmented natural calcite. 

envirolizer® micronized activated calcite is fully certified as organic input and fulfils the requirements of Demeter International as well as listed in the EU Input Lists.

The Ultimate Solution for Plant Growth, made from 100% Natural Minerals

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Envirolizer Documented Farmer and Scientific Trial Results

Plant/Crop: Corn

Location: Region Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Producer: Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Pardebei

Type of trial: Controlled large scale farmer trial with different Corn varieties

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): (1.0 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 applications

Results: 50% – 100% yield increases

Control: 1-2 cobs/plant vs with Envirolizer 2-3 cobs/plant

Additional benefits: No crop diseases

Plant/Crop: Wheat

Location: Russia, Region Omsk

Producer: Russian Academy of Agricultural Science (Siberia)

Type of trial: Controlled test with several biological and chemical pesticides and envirolizer

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): (1.0 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 1 Application

Application time; After tillering


  • 66% control of mildew
  • 61% control of brownrust (puccina)
  • Better than most of the tested specific plant Protection Products


Plant/Crop: Wheat

Location: France

Producer: Groupe Coopératif Région Centre France

Type of trial: Controlled Scientific trial (2 Trials)

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): (1.5 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 1 Application

Application time; Last leaf stadium

Results: 5.5% and 14.5% yield increases,

Additional benefits:

  • Higher protein content. 
  • Higher Spec. Weight. 
  • Stronger and firmer leaves and haulms

Further demonstration trials have been arranged in different crops like as:

  • Corn
  • Wheat
  • Rape

The visual ratings of the farmers were very positive.  They have estimated yield increases of 5-15% and could recognise that the crop treated with envirolizer was healthier.  Particular in Potato where they could see that the treated area was free of potato beetle whereas non-treated area had to be sprayed with pesticides.

Location: France

During the introduction period of the mineral (envirolizer) in France, several scientific studies on usages and benefits of envirolizer were arranged.

The following organisation were involved in these research programmes:

APPA – Association des Producteurs de Pommes de Terre de Vénétie

(Potatoes Producers Association of Venetia)

CIRAD – Centre International de Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement

(Agronomic Research International Centre for Development)

ENSCMU – Ecole Supérieure de Chimie de Mulhouse

(Chemical Superior National College of Mulhouse)

Plant/Crop: Carrots

Location: Norm Tec, Netherlands

Producer: Institute

Type of Trial: Controlled scientific trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (2.5Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 Applications;  1st application 2 weeks after first leaves development.  2nd application 2 weeks after

Results: 30% yield increase

Additional benefits:

  • Much better root development


Plant/Crop: Carrots, Curroda

Location: Daniella Farm, District Rooival, Pretoria, South Africa

Producer: Daniella Farm

Type of trial: Controlled large scale farmer trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (0.5Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 4 applications

Results: 12% yield increase; (additional 15t/Ha) resp. net income increase of 1500€/Ha

Plant/Crop: Cabbage, Conquistador

Location: Daniella Farm, District Rooival, Pretoria, South Africa

Producer: Daniella Farm

Type of trial: Controlled large scale farmer trial

Application:  Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (0.5Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 4 and 8 applications

Results: 5 and 11% yield increase; resp. Net income increase of 2100€/Ha and 2400€/Ha

Plant/Crop: Leek

Location: Shandong Province, China

Producer: Intern. Taly Commercial Group (USA), Inc. in cooperation with Shadong Province Fertilization Centre

Type of trial: Controlled large scale trial

Application:  Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (1.5Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 6 applications every 15 days

Results: 20% yield increase by saving of 50% of basic soil fertilizer

Additional benefits:

  • Reduce number of pesticide applications

Plant/Crop: Cucumber

Location: Shandong Province

Producer: Intern. Taly Commercial Group (USA), Inc. in cooperation with Shadong Province Fertilization Centre

Type of trial: Controlled large scale trial

Application:  Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (1.5Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 6 applications every 15 days

Results: 17.6 – 22.9% yield increase by saving of 50% of basic soil fertilizer

Additional benefits:

  • Better fruit quality
  • More sugar content
  • Healthier plants and fruits
  • Reduce number of pesticide applications

Plant/Crop: Potato

Location: Rheinland, Germany

Producer: Breuer, Landwirt

Type of trial: Large scale farmer trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (3.0 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 Applications


  • 25% yield increases
  • 17% more Potatoes in the size of 50-65mm
  • 8% less “Green Potatoes”
  • 1.5% less badly formed Potatoes

Additional benefits:

  • Free of potato beetles, whereas control has to be sprayed with pesticides


Plant/Crop: Potato

Location: Samarkand region, Uzbekistan

Producer: Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Parderbei

Type of trial: Controlled  farmer trial

Application:  Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (2.0 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 Applications

Results: 40% yield increases

Additional benefits:

  • Very healthy potatoes
  • No diseases
  • No potato beetles
  • No need for additional Pesticide sprays

Plant/Crop: Potato (6 varieties)

Location: France

Producer: Association des Producteurs de Pommes de Terre de Vénétie

(Potatoes Producers Association of Venetia)

Type of trial: Controlled farmer trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (1.5 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 Applications

1st application 15 days after potato formation

2nd application 2 weeks later


  • 10% – 21% yield increases,
  • 27% – 33% increases of marketable potatoes

Additional benefits: Less fungi and pest problem

Summary Potato Trials, France

Effects on consumption potatoes are:

  • Increase of the photosynthesis and of the yield
  • Indirect effect of fungi diseases by a general reinforcement of the plant
  • Effect on quality: increase of the dry matter and reduction of the burnishing because of Maillard reaction at the time of transformation
  • Indirect effect of doryphore by increase of the thickness of the leaves and reinforcement of cellular wall thanks to calcite treatment
  • Yields, homogeneity size in marketable range, number of tuber and dry matter increase

Effect on potato for industrial usage are:

  • Envirolizer an exercise using synergies over by a direct action on the vegetal physiology
  • That is why yield, dry matter and photosynthetic activity are higher for potatoes treated with envirolizer
  • Transformation; they must contain enough dry matter, not much reducing sugar, because it is responsible of burnishing of fried products
  • Envirolizer treatment allows to get potatoes with those specific characteristics

Plant/Crop: Tomato

Location: Pynacker, Netherlands

Producer: Gebr. Duijvesstein

Type of trial: Controlled Trial

Application:  Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (1.5 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 Applications;  1st application before flower initiation.  2nd application 1-2 weeks later

Results: After 2nd application: 

  • Better colouring of Tomato fruits and tomato pulp
  • More uniform fruit size
  • Better pulp consistency and firmness
  • Better taste, more flavour


Plant/Crop: Tomato

Location: Region Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Producer: Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Parderbei

Type of trial: Controlled Farmer Trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): (1.5 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 Applications


  • Very fast growth of tomato plants
  • Very healthy tomatoes
  • Very firm and bigger tomatoes with less water content

Plant/Crop: Sugar Beets

Location: Rheinland, Germany

Producer: Küx, Landwirt

Type of trial: Large scale farmer trial

Application:  Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (2.0 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 Applications


  • 10% – 15% yield increases,
  • 1.6% higher sugar content than control

Additional benefits:

  • Free of potato beetles, whereas control has to be sprayed with pesticides


Plant/Crop: Sugar Beets

Location: France

Producer: Groupe Coopératif Région Centre France

Type of trial: Controlled farmer trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): (1.5 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 Applications


  • 7% yield increases
  • 8% higher sugar content/Ha

Additional benefits: more and healthier leaves

Plant/Crop: Blackberry/Berries

Location: Croatia

Producer: Kristijan, Berry producer, according ecological standards

Type of trial: Farmer Trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (1.5Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 5 applications / season in 2 weeks interval

Results: 7T of berries compared to 2T of the untreated area (+350% yield increase)

Additional benefits: 

  • Better plant resistance against fungi and pest problem. 
  • Better berry quality and taste. 
  • Improvement of average berry size. 
  • 10 – 15 days earlier harvest start. 
  • Higher sugar content. 
  • Higher dry matter content and improved transport and suitability for storage.

Plant/Crop: Vine (new planted seedlings)

Location: Croatia

Producer: Klasnic Vlado

Type of trial: Farmer Trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (1.5Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 4 applications / season in 2 weeks interval

4 weeks after planting the seedlings

Results: 2-5m length growth per season compared to 1-2 length growth of control

Additional benefits:

  • Better leaf colour and leaf size. 
  • Better root growth of young vine plants. 
  • Improved plant health. 
  • Earlier harvest time. 
  • Excellent berry quality and taste. 
  • Much higher harvest quantity.

Plant/Crop: Vine

Location: Samarkand Region, Uzbekistan

Producer: Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Parderbei

Type of trial: Controlled Farmer Trial

Application:  Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): (1.5Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 applications

Results: High yield increase

Additional benefits: Very healthy vine plants.  No diseases


Plant/Crop: Vine

Location: France, (Saint Emilion and Vallée du Rhône)

Type of trial: Controlled Scientific Trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): (2.0 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 3 applications

1st application before flowering.  2nd application 14 days later.  3rd application 14 days after last

Treatment includes:

  • Significant difference for the total weight index
  • Significant difference for the anthocyanes
  • Significant difference for berries weight
  • Significant difference for sugar rent
  • Significant difference for potency degree
  • Good maintenance of the pH
  • An equivalent level in total acidity
  1. Envirolizer applications allow an optimisation for all the constituents of vine increasing significantly the weight of berries and by improving the qualitative criterions for the vine making and for breeding.
  2. Application allows a better physiologic stress management of the vine and allows a better synthesis of the polyphenols, of the anthocyanes by increasing the berries weight, the potential degree and the sugar rate. All the qualitative components are improved by 3 envirolizer sprays.
  3. On vine which is in stress state (physiologic and hydrous), envirolizer applications allow a significant correction of the maturity controls and allow an optimisation of the maturity allowing a good extraction of the phenolic and aromatic components and an improvement of the coloration.
  4. Applications between flowering and grapes closing will give better results to optimise the stress of  the vine after the colour change of the berry to allow a better concentration in the berries.

Envirolizer in Viticulture

Envirolizer has two different actions on vine:

  • Global action on vine physiology
  • Reinforcement action on certain vegetal diseases

2 – 3 applications:

Leaves exit to flag leaf expended 1 Kg/Ha

Visible Grapes 1.5 Kg/Ha

Grapes and separated flowering buds 1.5 Kg/Ha

Envirolizer application brings

  • A booster effect on growth at the beginning of vegetation
  • An important effect on general physiology of vine to:

   1. Allow a resistance against diseases in addition to approved specialties

   2. Put Vine in an optimal situation for flowering 


Plant/Crop: Rice

Location: Thailand

Producer: Phitsanulok Rice Valley

Type of trial: Farmer Trial Plot 10 Rai

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 200gr/Rai

Number of application/season:  1st Spray 400gms/Rai after 20 days, 2nd/3rd Spray 200gms/Rai 40 and 60 days respectively  

Pesticides: No Pesticides used as plant sprayed with envirolizer were stronger and unattractive for insects

Additional Fertilizer used: Farmer wished to use additional NPK but reduced by 70% 18-45-0


  • Evenly developed and ripened rice field
  • Full pinnacle penetration throughout the whole field. 
  • Earlier harvest time 10 days ahead of controlled
  • Excellent quality even on appearance.  
  • 21% moinsure content, good, passed.
  • 96% A-Grade quality.  The HIGHEST ever reached in Lamlukka 9,220Kg on 10 Rai
  • 9,220kg harvest per Rai; price 7.8 baht/kg


Plant/Crop: Rice

Location: China

Producer:  Test by farmers at Shuangyashan area in Heilongjiang Province


We completed tests on rice at Anhui, Jiangsu, Henan, Zhejiang, Heilongjiang Provinces and Shanghai City in 2019.  It proves that by using our micronized calcite, we achieved increase in quantity, early harvest, less use of chemical fertilizer, more milled rice rate, better milled rice quality, details as follows

Test by farmers at Shuangyashan area in Heilongjiang Province 

  • Increase of rice with 175 kgs quantity of per mu increase from 600 kgs to 775kgs
  • 7-10 days early harvest

Usually in this province, the rice transplanting job must be done before mid of June.  Due to family reason, one farmer had to do this job a month late.  According to the farmer, with this rice transplanting time, he can only get harvest of 150 kgs to 200 kgs per mu.  However, by spraying our micronized calcite, what he got at harvest was 600 kgs

Test farmer’s names Mr. Song Zhibin   Mr. Li Baojun   Mr. Li Guanghong     

Plant/Crop: Pechay

Location: Philippines

Producer:  Carmichael Global, Dr Artemio Martin Jr (Isabela State University)

Type of trial: Scientific Accreditation (Department of Agriculture)  


A field experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of Envirolizer foliar fertilizer as plant growth promoter of leafy vegetables specifically on pechay. It was conducted at a farmer’s field in San Fermin, Cauayan City, Isabela from December 2021 to February 2022. The different treatments used were: T1-Control, T2– Recommended Rate NPK (45-15-15 kg NPK), T3 – 45-15-15 kg NPK plus 100 grams Envirolizer (0.5 RR), T4 – 45-15-15 kg NPK plus 200 grams Envirolizer (RR), T5 – 45-15-15 kg NPK plus 300 grams Envirolizer (1.5RR) and T6 – 200 grams Envirolizer (RR). The experiment was laid in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications.

Envirolizer significantly improves the growth and yield of pechay. Envirolizer is effective as plant growth promoter for pechay either as sole or combined with inorganic fertilizer. The test product (RR and 1.5RR) along with inorganic fertilizer significantly boosted the height growth of the plants at 25 DAT, improved the weight, and increased the yields by 30.46 to 45.99 percent with ROI of 39.82 to 79.73 percent. Envirolizer is recommended for use in leafy vegetables as plant growth promoter, however, better yields and higher ROI are realized if applied along with inorganic fertilizer as nutrient supplement.

Related Article

Efficacy Trial of Envirolizer in the Philippines


Plant/Crop: Onion

Location: Russia

Producer: Prof. Dr. Dumanic

Type of trial: Small scale demonstration trials on farmland


Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (2.0 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 Applications

Results: Growth and yield of treated plants/crops had been evaluated very positive



Plant/Crop: Onion

Location: Russia

Producer: Prof. Dr. Dumanic

Type of trial: Small scale demonstration trials on farmland


Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (2.0 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 Applications

Results: Growth and yield of treated plants/crops had been evaluated very positive



Plant/Crop: Melons

Location: Ansouis, France

Type of trial: Controlled Farmer Trial

Application:  Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): (1.5 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 applications

1st after leaf development; 2nd beginning of node formation

Results: 12 and 22% more melons;  20% more premium grade melons


Plant/Crop: Watermelons; Farova

Location: Dakova, Croatia

Producer: Bilje, Kopacki, Romania

Type of trial: Large Scale Farmer Trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.1% (1.5Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 4

Results: Average 20% yield increase; Average weight of one melon (>10Kg)

Additional benefits: Higher sugar content than control plants; Very healthy plants without any pesticide application



Plant/Crop: Olive Trees

Location: Sibenik, Croatia

Producer: Pannic

Type of trial: Farmer Trial


Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): (3.0Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 3 applications;  1st before flowering, 2nd after flowering, 3rd after fruit formation

Results: 30% higher yield

Additional benefits: Better resistance against drought and climate stress

Plant/Crop: Olive Trees

Location: Croatia

Producer: Vinko Gulin

Type of trial: Farmer Trial

Application:  Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3%

Number of application/season: 3 applications

Results: Higher yields.  Much better quality (4 international certificates for the produced Olive Oil)

Additional benefits: One certificate from the International Academy “De la Cudina Italiana”


Plant/Crop: Cotton

Location: Region Samarkand, Uzbekistan

Producer: Ministry of Agriculture, Dr. Pardebei

Type of trial: Controlled large scale farmer trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): (1.5 Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 applications

Results: Much higher yield

Additional benefits: Much better and longer (+5-7cm) cotton fibre

Much more leaves (control 5-7 leaves/plant), with

envirolizer (12 leaves/plant) at 4-5 EC Stadium


Plant/Crop: Production of Vegetable and Flower Seedlings

Location: Croatia

Producer: Drago Lukic

Type of trial: Farmer Trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3%

Number of application/season: 2-4 applications per season


  • Healthier, strong and vigorous plants. 
  • More seedlings per season. 
  • Shortening of production time for seedlings.  Better developed root systems. 
  • Better resistance against growth stress.  
  • High water saving effect. 
  • Savings on pesticide sprays.

Plant/Crop: Hemp/ Industrial Hemp

Location: USA & Mexico

Producer: Alfredo Paredes, Envirolizer Mexico

Type of trial: Small Farm Trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (1.5Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 – 3

Results: Increased in yield.  Better quality. 

Important Notice:  In the United Kingdom, cultivation licenses are issued by the Home Office under the Misuse of Drugs Act 1971.  When grown for nondrug purposes, hemp is referred to as industrial hemp, an a common product is fibre for use in a wide variety of products, as well as the seed for nutritional aspects and the oil.  Please check with your local jurisdiction regarding growing and cultivating hemp.

Related Articles:

Organic and Natural Mineral Fertilizers; The Critical Hour

Envirolizer on Industrial Hemp

Hemp on Wikipedia

Plant/Crop: Vegetables (paprika, cauliflower, beans)

Location: Dakova, Croatia

Producer: Zelenko Milos

Type of trial: Farmer Trial

Application: Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.3% (1.5Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 2 – 3

Results: 25 – 30% yield increase in different vegetables

Additional benefits: Better firmness of crops (higher dry matter content).  Improved suitability for storage and transport

Plant/Crop: Pepper; Ajvar Farova

Location: Croatia

Producer: Bilje, Kopacki, Romania

Type of trial: Large Scale Farmer Trial

Application:  Concentration in % (Kg/Ha): 0.1% (1.5Kg/Ha)

Number of application/season: 4

Results: High yield increases

Additional benefits: Better colouring of fruits

Higher Calcium Content

Very healthy plants without any pesticide application

Plant/Crop: Aubergine, Eggplant, Cucumber & Tomato

Location: Jordan

Producer: As Al Koroom Agri & Trade

Type of trial: Distributor Smale Scale Farm Trial


As Al Koroom Agri. & Trade Co. Ltd. A distributor of the Envirolizer for the Jordan market, the company made some trials in the upper land area for the tomato, cucumber, eggplant and sweet pepper, conclusion as below:

  1. Eggplant, Tomato, Cucumber: the company used one to two applications depending on the situation and the health of the plant, the application was 200g per 1000 m2 which means 400gm/Envirolizer mixed with 200L/water: the result after using the Envirolizer was amazing comparing with the control trial for the quality and quantities leaves, fruits, roots and resistance to powdery mildew.
  2. Sweet pepper: the company used one application of Envirolizer after the plants were infected with a virus, after 10 days of using the product the plant made new leaves and produce new identical fruits.
  3. The most important point in this trial was the quantity of water consumption from the plants, the plants sprayed with Envirolizer only watered one time compared with the control that watered three times per day and this means the Envirolizer saved 70% of using water.

Mahmoud Jaber
Al Koroom Agri. & Trade Co. Ltd.

*Original report sent by Al Koroom Jordan




Educating our Youth, particularlty our Young Farmers, Growers and Game Changers!

Growth Starts Here!

Our future is created by what we do today, not tomorrow, as there may be none left for our children.

Hence, we support and promote natural, sustainable and regenerative farming practices so that our farmers will produce more nutritious crops and foods to feed us, and our next generation. 

If you know a farmer, smallholder or grower or be it yourself, and would like to make a difference to our food supply, our nature, our people and most of all, our planet, then you come to the right place.   

We believe that by supporting and promoting sustainable,  natural, organic and regenerative, farming practices, our farmers and growers, can, and will produce more yield, bigger and more nutritious better-tasting crops!

Hippocrates once quoted “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.“ 

Be the change!  Together, we can help our farmers towards regenerative & sustainable agriculture practices.

Get your envirolizer now and join us on the Sustainable Challenge!

European Research Body FiBL confirmed Envirolizer fulfils the requirements to be listed as fertilizer in the Organic Input List for Demeter International and the EU Input List.  Click here for our FiBL Certificate of Conformity

How envirolizer® micronized activated calcite works

Effective supply of calcium and silicon to plants; increases photosynthetic activity followed by better CO2 utilisation and production of primary and secondary metabolites. Therefore, envirolizer® provides an improvement in fruit and crop yields, while increasing plant resistance toward environmental stress.

Control Leaf
without Envirolizer

Leaf treated
with envirolizer

Benefits of using envirolizer®


envirolizer® micronized activated calcite is ecological product manufactured by proprietary Advance Micronization Technology (AMT).

envirolizer® micronized activated calcite is mixed with water and this obtained suspension has to be sprayed all over the leaves of the plants.

Orchards and vineyards: 2-2.5 kg/ha
Vegetable gardens: 1.5 kg/ha. Agriculture: 1.5-2 kg/ha.
For small surfaces: 1 teaspoon (approx. 5g) on 1 litre of water.

envirolizer® micronized activated calcite is applied 3 to 5 times during the vegetation period each 15 to 30 days (see application calendar).

How to apply the Fertilizer

Significantly Improve Crop Yield

envirolizer® micronized activated calcite can significantly improve productivity and economy of your crops, while increasing quality and taste of your products. We have scientifically verified results by university trials and field experiences obtained by our customers worldwide.

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Earn more with less effort.

Earn MORE with LESS effort using envirolizer®! Beat the clock, and your competition with faster results, measurably heavier gains and premium quality produce!

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Made from 100% Natural Minerals

Increased Productivity

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