Sustainable food: the great challenge

Feeding an ever-increasing world population – in a context of climate change and water scarcity – poses one of the greatest challenges humanity will have to face immediately.

The consequences of the indiscriminate use of dangerous and harmful chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides -which have also become scarce and very expensive- put the viability of the countries’ economies at risk, represent enormous health risks and will have terrible consequences on the food safety.

Arable land is on the brink of collapse, every day thousands of hectares are lost or desertified; they decline in their ability to absorb nutrients and retain water; organic life and biodiversity and ecosystems are rapidly becoming extinct.

Surely you have already heard all this but you do not pay attention to it, you are not interested or you simply believe that it does not affect you, perhaps you do not notice it since the consequences of all this are not perceived until it is too late.

Research institutions and specialists have established that the disproportionate and alarming increase in respiratory, cardiac, and congenital diseases; Various types of cancer, digestive disorders, diabetes, obesity, poor nutrition, and even some mental illnesses are linked to and result from the harmful effects of what we eat, breathe, and drink every day.

No matter your income, occupation, educational status, preferred brands, nutrition trend, organic, number of fans or region. We all pay for the damages resulting from predatory and miserly practices in the food, livestock, poultry, and agricultural industries; You can’t just see it as price increases and inflation, the bill for your health and well-being will come slowly but inexorably.

But in the face of great challenges, there is no other option but to face them with the tools at hand: innovation, science, methodology, technology, effort, attitude change, activation and social awareness.

The water cycle. Recycle, recycle, recycle till you drop. As a matter of common sense, wasting water, hoarding, polluting and misusing it should be considered serious crimes.

It is essential to recover the water phases, 97% of all water bodies in the world are contaminated; we are extracting it from wells more than 1 km deep and we waste more than 40% of what reaches the cities. That has an enormous cost and gives us an idea of ​​how far we have come and how we are ending life on the planet.

We have the technologies to take advantage of -at least- 60% of the water produced, greenish brown, black and grey, allocating it to the conservation of bodies of water, irrigation areas, livestock and industrial uses, reinjection and even purification. Unlike others, our treatment is free of chemicals, in real time and without dangerous flocculants or coagulants.

regenerative agriculture . Even in critical conditions of extreme climates, scarcity of water and decaying soils; We have doubled, tripled and even quadrupled harvests by combining the use of recycled water with clays made from human and animal excrement, food waste, sargassum, biomass, as well as organic biofertilizers and pesticides that are used as supplements, triggers and enhancers of growth by reducing the harvest cycle.

Not only that, we managed to increase biodiversity, improve photosynthesis, higher yields, yield per hectare, flavor, color, size, solid weight, shelf life, nutrient quality, and we freed food from load of heavy metals, elements and harmful substances.

We reduce the emission of methane and greenhouse gases; we enhance the hydrophilicity of the soil, we regenerate the organic life of nature, we are able to eliminate suspended particles and make the most of oxygen and nitrogen.

For example, through Advanced Micronization Technology (AMT), efficient delivery of calcium, silicon, and other plant nutrients is enabled by micron and submicron natural calcite particles.

Such procedures act as natural adaptogens that help plants resist water stress, fungal diseases, extreme temperature changes, and noxious pests; as well as to improve their ability to get used to elevation, humidity, winds or life in a greenhouse, as the case may be.

All these tools to achieve bioremediation and regeneration of agriculture are available to anyone from a condominium orchard; a family farm or large-scale production, its costs are much lower than any other option and have a positive effect on people’s income, productivity, well-being, health and nutrition.

Additionally, our system allows to reduce the negative effects of raising cattle, poultry and fish; emphatically eradicate the use of harmful chemicals; reduce water consumption, reduce carbon footprint and improve environmental impact.

Achieving a better, sustainable, viable, profitable, independent and contaminant-free diet is possible, life and future generations demand it of us. If it is not done in less than 30 years, there will be no fertile soils; the world will be a dry, desert, arid, barren, hot, thirsty and inert wasteland and those who inhabit it -idem-. Join our movement.

Original Article Published on Forbes Mexico, 07/12/22 by Alfredo Paredes

Alimentación sustentable: el gran reto

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