A highly specialized source of nutrients that promote the growth of novel probiotics. Prebiotics are products that improve microbial diversity and soil microbial health by promoting the growth of soil microorganisms already present within the soil-plant system.


Beneficial, naturally occuring microorganism.  In the field of soil-plant science, probiotics are accepted as beneficial microorganisms that exert health-promoting and nutrient-mobilizing properties.


Secreted by-products made during foliar and in-soil growth of the probiotics. Postbiotics are metabolic derivatives of PBM that exert specific, growth-promoting and/or biocontrol effects on plants, thus avoiding the risks associated with applying microbial cells.

envirolizer® Carbon Capture

Capture up to 5 tonnes of CO2 per hectare

Carbon Capture Without Carbon Credit

Enter in to a contract with Probiotics to use Capture on your land for a minimum of 5 years to enable CAPTURE to sequester carbon for a credit claim.

Carbon Capture with Carbon Credit

Purchased yearly at your discretion. Used on fields for carbon credits or to enhance the carbon loading in the soil before returning rented land

envirolizer® ProBio-S

Foliar Application for Bacterial and Fungal Disease Pressured Crops

envirolizer® BetaBio-AP

Foliar Application for Aphid and Cicada Pressured Crops

envirolizer® ProBio-A

Soil Application for Bacterial Disease Pressured Crops

envirolizer® BetaBio-NEM

Soil Application for Soils with High Nematode Populations

envirolizer® ProBio-VL

Foliar Application for Scale, Mealybug & Wooly Aphid Pressured Crops

envirolizer® BetaBio-VIR

Foliar Application for Crops Where High Virus Levels are Present

envirolizer® ProBio-MET

Soil Application Moth Larvae Pressured Crops Cut Worm, Coleoptera, Etc

envirolizer® BetaBio-X

Foliar Application for Crops Where Lepidoptera, Slugs, Snails and Fruit Flies are Present

Our range of concentrate and ready mix spray available soon at your local garden centre and community supported agriculture group.