envirolizer® BEs Bioeffectors
Plant biostimulants, also called bioeffectors (BEs), are substances or microorganisms applied to plants or the surrounding soil to stimulate natural processes to improve nutrient uptake, stress tolerance, and plant growth. The use of BEs has gained increasing attention as an environmentally friendly strategy for more sustainable crop production.
Envirolizer BEs
- naturally derived compound
- easy to use formulation for drips, soil, foliar and drone application
- safe to mixed with agrochemicals and fertilizers
- low application rates ave 1.2 gm per hectare
- Accelerates fertilizer absorption and transport
- Significantly improve photosynthesis and sugar production
- Reduces effects of abiotic stress
- Accelerates pesticide activity and effectivity
Envirolizer BEs contains naturally derived Damage-Associated Molecular Pattern-Triggered Immunity in Plants for soil and foliar application